I get a lot of calls about this from graduates of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, as well as from members of the National Speakers Association. Is a speakers book a business card…or the most important representation of you and your expertise? My first book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, sold 100,000 copies in the last two years…BUT the speaking, training and consulting business it generated was far more important. Fortune 500 executives who can afford to hire you as a speaker are the most sophisticated buyers in the speakers marketplace. They EXPECT a book that represents your unique interpretation of your expertise. My NEW book , Coaching 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, was just released in e-book format. You can read the first 5 chapters for FREE at www.coachingmentaltoughness.com  This is a 550-page book with 100% pure content. It took two years to write, but it’s the EXACT system I’ve used to coach Fortune 500 sales teams for many years. My point of this post is to consider the two schools of thought on writing a book: The first school says books are a business card and everyone should have one. The second school says only write a book when you can communicate your philosophy in a clear and concise manner. Don’t beleive people who say no one will read your book. If it’s good, people will read it. If they like it, they will HIRE you to speak. If it sounds like every other positive thinking book, you’re going to be giving them away as Chritmas presents for the rest of your life.

Consider investing the time to do it right. You’ll be happy you did! Listen to this post for more ideas around this subject. Steve Siebold, CSP, CPCS