How Professional Speakers Monetize Media Coverage

Award-winning publicist Bruce Serbin shares one of the most closely guarded secrets on how top professional speakers earn millions from TV, radio, print and online interviews. #personaldevelopment #speakersapprentice #bruceserbin

How to Triple Your income in 12 Months

25 years ago I went from earning $40,000 per year to $182,000 in 12 months, all from a single skill I learned, practiced and implemented. The following 12 months I earned over $300,000, and the next year over $500,000. In my early thirties I became financially independent from this one skill that few people understand...

How to Start a Speech

Professional Speaker’s have numerous ways of starting a speech, all designed to grab the audiences attention in the opening seconds, without making it sound like speech. Counterintuitive, I know, but this is an important distinction. The best professional speakers sound like they’re having an intimate conversation with their audience, as opposed to sounding like they’re...

SPEAKERS: Don’t Make This Social Media Mistake

Social Media has become an absolute phenomenon all over the world. Some people see it as a positive technological advancement, while others believe it’s doing irreparable damage to society. Either way, one thing is for certain: social media is here to stay. This is why it’s critical for Professional Speakers to use it effectively, without...

The Fortune in Free Speeches

Preparing yourself for the world’s biggest stages and highest potential speaking fees requires hard work and sacrifice. It’s much like preparing to become a professional athlete, minus the physical torture. The good news for speakers is that a couple of years of solid preperation can lead to a lifelong career that may carry you into...

Bill Gove Speech Club Launches Worldwide

If you’re an aspiring or emerging professional speaker, or you’re ready to increase your speaking fees, the Bill Gove Speech Club will give you the tools, tips and strategies to make it happen. The club meets weekly via Zoom to watch members deliver keynote speech vignettes, followed by an immediate critique and coaching session with...

How to Become a 6-Figure Professional Speaker in 2024

Is it possible to become a $100K professional speaker in the next 12-24 months, even if you’ve never been paid to deliver a speech? The answer might surprise you. Contrary to what you see advertised online, the secret has nothing to do with marketing. The only people that make money promising to give you leads,...

Should Speaker’s Live Below Their Means?

The professional speaking business can be intoxicating. Especially as your popularity and fees grow. It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming it will continue forever. In the past 20 years, speakers have had two massive wake up calls that shocked and decimated thousands of careers: the great recession and Covid 19. I skated...

The Real Reason Aspiring Speakers FAIL

Why do 95% of aspiring professional speakers fail? Why do speaker marketing companies ignore this completely? Why don’t most aspiring speakers take this reason seriously? The answers to these questions are obvious to seasoned veterans in the business, although it’s rarely discussed. It’s the speaking businesses dirty little secret, and it kills more careers than...

Author Speaker Podcast – Episode #1

If you’re in the professional speaking business, or you would like to be, this podcast will help guide the way. This is NOT a motivational podcast. The purpose of this program is to reveal the jealously guarded secrets of a very lucretive industry that’s dominated by a few hundred people worldwide. This is what you...