How to Set Your First Speaking Fee

This ranks among the most popular questions for new and emerging professional speakers, and the best answer is probably not what you think. The speaking business is comprised of tens of thousands how people trying to break in, yet only hundreds that are successful. The breakdown ocurrs when people assume that the speaking business is...

Onstage with Dr. Nido Qubein at High Point University

Dr. Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, is one of the most successful speakers of the second half of the 20th century. In 2005, he took the helm of HPU and transformed it into one of the finest small colleges in the country. This man is a true genius, and he’s helped guide my...

How to Become a Professional Speaker

How do you become a professional speaker? Don’t believe everything you read or watch about this online. There’s a lot of money in selling people how to get rich quick in professional speaking. From ‘just tell your story’ to ‘just get on as many stages as possible’ to ‘get discovered as the next big motivational...

Professional Speaker Concierge Service

How would you like a concierge to escort you into the richest segment in the professional speaking industry? (Fortune 100) Or would prefer to cold call? In 1997, Bill Gove and Larry Wilson ushered me into the corporate market as a speaker. They showed me how to break into the biggest companies, build a massive...

Backstage in Mexico with Mark Victor Hansen

Back in 2001, I was a rookie professional speaker that had just cracked the $1 million per year mark in speaking revenue. I was working national and international conventions with an average audience size of 3-5,000 people. But…what I really wanted was a book, but I wanted it to be a book that sold at...

Speakers Boycotting Television Losing Millions

If you’re professional speaker, and you’re not leveraging traditional television interviews, it’s literally costing you a fortune. Social media is all the rage, and most likely the television of the future, but the major creators, purveyors and pundits of social media skew heavily in the under 40 demographic, which is NOT the demographic that hires...

July 17, 1998: Bob Proctor’s Best Night in Speaking

It was July 17, 1998, the speech that changed my life, and the night Bob Proctor would call the best of his speaking career. It’s a story Bob was too humble to tell, but it’s the single greatest speaking story I’ve ever heard. Bob Proctor was my mentor and close friend for 25 years. We...

The Great Brian Tracy

The International Personal Development Association is proud to present personal development legend Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy has been positively impacting millions of people for decades through his books, speeches and training programs. His outstanding book, Focal Point, is one of my all-time favorites. I’ve combed through dozens of Brian Tracy videos online to showcase to...

The BIG LIE in Professional Speaking

Back in 1996, my first year as a full-time Professional Speaker, the BIG LIE was everywhere, and I bought into it. Thats why I lost $50,000 my first year. In 1997, I attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop, and Bill Gove told me the truth. He gently explained that I had been duped by marketing...

How to Become a Million-Dollar Speaker

Becoming a million-dollar speaker is parallel to becoming a million-dollar actor, comedian, singer, dancer or musician. It happens, but it’s rare. That said, if you’re crafty, hardworking and you have excellent mentorship, you have a shot. You just can’t approach it like you’re applying for a job at Home Depot. There’s more to it than...