Speaking Business Rebirth

The most common question we get at Georgia Speakers Bureau is “when will the speaking business reopen?” While no one can be 100% sure, we’ve been calling our corporate clients for the past few weeks to get their take. Watch this short video for the results of over 50 conversations with Fortune 500 executives.

My $20 Million Dollar Mistake

The speaking business has been good to me over the past 23-years, but going from coaching to speaking at Fortune 500 conventions around the world was a big leap—that in some ways, I wasn’t fully prepared. Working with many of the world’s largest sales teams was a privilege, but in many cases I wasn’t giving...

Conventions Cancelled for 2020

The speaking business is over for 2020. Conventions have cancelled, hotels are shuttering and corporations won’t accept the legal liability of placing their employees at risk of catching the coronavirus. That’s the bad news. The good news is that if you’ll take action in a few areas, your speaking business may emerge stronger than ever....