Minneapolis-based author/speaker Elliot Saltzman has penned the most direct, honest, and factual book ever written on what it really takes to make it in the speaking business, and I want to offer you a FREE ebook copy. The book is called How to Become a Million Dollar Professional Speaker. This book examines the nitty-gritty, good, bad and ugly details of the professional speaking business, and Saltzman takes no prisoners. The speaking industry is full of people selling get-rich quick seminars and programs telling new and inexperienced speakers how easy it is to make it in a business where almost everyone fails. I know because back in 1996, my first full-time year in the speaking business, I bought into it. Then I attended the Bill Gove Speech Workshop and Bill told me to fire all of these clowns and follow him. The next year I made $182,000, and I eventually earned millions from what he taught me. Watch this short video I shot in Palm Beach today and then download the FREE ebook and study it like a scientist. I promise you it will open your eyes to the truth about this industry and how to stake your claim among the highest paid speakers in the world. FREE download is available at www.paidspeakersbook.com

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